This is an in-progress scan of a painting
I'm working on just for fun. It's acrylic
on wood and measures 6"x12".
It's an advertising image for the
short-lived 1967 TV show "Monkey & Mann".
The show featured the adventures of suave
secret agent, Derek Monkey, and his
unorthodox partner, Mannookoo, as they
traveled the globe taking on the enemies
of Freedom and Democracy.
The show debuted in June of '67 and was
a critical success. Audiences, however, had
had their fill of simian related programming.
Also airing that year were such shows as
"That's My Chimp", "The Ape from A.P.E.",
"Monkeys, Monkeys, Monkeys!", the third
season of "
Nannette & The Chimp", "A Banana
for Larry", "The Chimp and I", "The
Monkeyshriners" and the game shows,
"Mr. Monkey's Money Mania"
and "Grab My Banana".
The show lasted a single season and was
canceled after 13 episodes.