Wednesday, March 14, 2007


You must be very quiet

while the octopoid is
being served.

One sound and you will
rouse it back to life.

Once revived, it will
launch into a never-ending
medley of tunes by former
media darling, Pia Zadora.

So, please, be as quiet as a little
church mouse so we can all
enjoy the meal.


Michael Mason said...

Photoshop color? Nice textures. This piece is so you.

Great expression on her face, and it just goes with the subject matter and the retro/quirky design. This piece works in all ways.

Jack Snider said...

(tip-toeing in.)
(whisper) nice piece. like the octopus.
(tip-toeing out.)

Anthony Carpenter said...

Michael: Thanks.

Jack: We thank you with tummies full of octopoid.

(I can't believe I just typed that last sentence)